Monday, July 26, 2004
We made it!
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Bike trip day 1
Today, after only 3 hours of sleep we got up and packed the van. We left to go to Southside Reformed Presbyterian Church where we would begin our ~300 mile bike trip. There were a total of about 40 people participating in the event and they ranged in age from 11-adult. Following packing stuff into the trailer, a prayer, and a short list of what we do while riding, we started off. We divided into 6 groups of about 6 in each group. The reason we did this is so that everyone would be with others of a similar skill level, and also to make it easier for cars to pass us on the road.
I joined the first group which was led by Mr. Dinkledine, and also the fastest of them all. We started off at about
Considering the temperature was nearly 85, and the humidity was not much lower, the riding was very hot, but the worst part is that my seat got very hard after riding that long! In total by the end of the day when we finally stopped at Kokomo RP church, we had ridden a total of about 77 miles! On the last leg, I was beginning to run out of steam, thankfully we weren’t far off, and dinner was the first thing we would do.
Well, now I have to go to bed because we are getting up really early for an early start on the ride tomorrow which will be about 90 miles!
Sunday, July 18, 2004
A short quick post
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Time for an update!
Today I worked from 8a.m. until about 4. The worst part of the day was that the other person I was working with had to go home at about 2:15 and she had already stayed over about an hour. From then until about 3:45, I was by myself in Customer Service (normally there are 2 people at a time). Thankfully it was not really all that busy, but I sure didn’t have a spare moment! Once the people to replace me got there, I was able to go home after staying over an hour extra myself.
Shortly after I got home, I left for the monthly Nicaragua Resource Network Belcezar Committee meeting. This is a meeting in which we talk about Pastor Belcezar’s many churches that are under his supervision. Tonight we talked about several churches in particular that are not currently finished and we began to try to prioritize their needs. There is one church that was built in 1998, and has been in its current state since 2001. All it needs are windows and doors to be complete, but it has just not gotten done yet. One great news item is that Belcezar will be coming to Indiana in October!! I haven’t seen him since my last trip in February 2003! He is probably my favorite of the 3 pastors that are supported by NRN on a monthly basis. I can’t wait to see him again.
One of the major effects of attending these monthly meetings is a monthly reality check and renewal of my desire to go back to Nicaragua again. At this point in my life however, it does not seem that going back is part of God’s will, but as I seek to follow his will, opportunities may come my way.
If by reading this you would like to know more about NRN, there’s a link to the website on the sidebar. Or if you are interested in supporting this ministry, feel free to ask me for more info. There are many needs, but God will provide in his timing all that is needed! How great a God we serve!
Verse of the day:
1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 “12May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. 13May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.”
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
The "news" of the last 2 weeks
Obviously updating my blog every day is not a high priority, but I will try to make a bit of an effort to be a bit more frequent – maybe 1-2 times per week.
There is nothing really interesting that has gone on since my last post. We got an estimate on the repairs for the damage from the accident and it is about $2,000. Thankfully all we will have to pay is a $500 deductible to the insurance company. The work should begin on the 12th, or whenever we get it in.
I have been working as always just about every single day averaging about 30 hours a week which doesn’t leave much time left over when I am done. One thing I did last week was to help a friend of mine from church to pack all his (and his wife’s) stuff into a u-haul to move it to Pennsylvania. At first we were really ‘worried’ that it wouldn’t all fit, but by the time we had it all in there, we had space left over!
Though this is roughly the 228th birthday of the US, I didn’t do anything special at all. I had to work both Saturday and Monday, and on Sunday, I went to church and didn’t even watch any fireworks. What a wimpy 4th of July! Oh well!
God is soo great isn't he? One whole day set apart to Him every single week! Sunday, I was able to listen to 2 really great sermons. The first was given by Dr. Blackwood on Joshua 20-21 -- “The Lord Gave Them Rest.” The Levites were sent out among the Israelites in the Promised Land to guard/preach the gospel, so also am I sent out to let the world know of the working of God in my life. The second Sermon was given by Mr. Johnston on 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:22 on Christian liberty and idolatry. In the places God puts me, I need to make a conscious effort to be a witness vs. being sucked into idolatry (godlessness) which as a Christian, I must learn to flee from.
Yesterday after I got off work, I set to work replacing parts for the brakes on my bicycle which now works! Amazing!