Friday, February 25, 2005

It's finally here

I leave at 5:30 tomorrow morning and I can't wait!
Pretty much everything is packed by now, so its just a matter of waiting till 5:30 to roll around...then I'm out of here!
Will return late on March 6th!


Oh, there better be at least a few comments when I get back!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

4 more visitors....

and I will have had 3,000 visitors to my blog since September 10th!
Thats a lot of people!

Hard to sumarize the weekend in a few short words, but I don't have time for any more than that.

Well, saturday was a lot of fun - making cakes and then going to Jaci's birthday party at her house. Lots of good food and fellowship, what more can you ask for?

Sunday - 2 very great sermons. The first on Mark 10, the second on 2 Corinthians 7 (if I had time I'd give a quick overview of each, but I don't).

Monday - I worked and had a couple exciting things happen. First a lady fell down and then I got to call 911. I hope she's alright! Also our new manager came. After work I went to Goodwill to get some clothes to use at Nicaragua and then came home. BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) was very good tonight and a very challenging lecture.

Well that's about it...and I'm out of time anyway!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Title? Does it have to have one?

Ok, so I went to the doctor yesterday morning and he said I probably have a sinus infection. That sounds just lovely! Well, maybe not! He gave me some antibiotic for free (hey, I'll take it!) and perscribed an decongestant or something like that. Because of my insurence, I only had to pay less than $5 for the over $30 medication. This is really cool! So I'm starting to feel better and as the stuff starts to do it's job, hopefully I'll be all better in about a week...especially because I'm leaving for Nicaragua a week from tomorrow!

As far as really exciting things going on....there's not really much at all. I did get my vacation pay today for the year though, which is really nice!
Well, I'm off to go get some things done before I head to bed. TTYL

P.S. I just thought of an idea! Everyone that reads this, try to post something exciting that's going on either today or this week sometime.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I dont normaly do these things....but this one's pretty close!

You Are 22 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Funny thing is that I'm 20, so it's really close!

Monday, February 14, 2005

To those of you who haven't seen my Xanga...

I've been pretty sick for the last week, and not only me but my parents and some of my siblings too! We are all to generous!
Well I basicaly didn't do anything all week except work and sleep, so I have no clue how I'm going to get everything done that I need to get done to catch up. The bug's something like a cross between the flu and a cold with maybe a few pneumonia-like symptoms thrown in there too. It's petty bad and I'll be more than happy to get rid of it any day now...
I am however as far as I can tell, on the way to getting better. I really need to be all better before I leave for Nicaragua.....(prayer item there) :-) But just being down there will help me get better anyway, so whatever.
I'm so ready to go - just 11 days and 6 hours! But I do have some packing to do before then...
Well I'm going to go get some sleep, maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Letter I wrote about my upcoming trip...


Dear Family and Friends,

God has graciously opened the door once again for me to return to Nicaragua! I will be going on a one week short term missions trip with NRN, the same organization as before (winter of ’00 - ’03). Nicaragua Resource Network (NRN) is a ministry of a church in Carmel and has an ongoing relationship with three main pastors in Nicaragua. Belcezar Gonzales is one of the pastors and has a growing ministry of about 18 daughter churches. Since my last trip in February 2003, I have had the privilege to serve on the Belcezar committee. My responsibilities have included awareness of needs, decision making and support in prayer for his ministry. Belcezar is also the pastor for whom the construction projects will be done on this trip. The projects will likely include working on a parking area as well as expansion of the school.

As part of a group of about 20, I will be leaving on February 26 and returning on March 6. Your support in prayer will be an essential part of making this a successful trip. I am asking prayer for five specific things:

1. Preparation for the trip – physically as well as spiritually.
2. That God would be working in the hearts of those who we will minister to during our time there.
3. Safety, health, and team unity in travel and on the construction sites.
4. That God would be glorified in everything.
5. That I would be open to learn the things God desires to teach me.

My trips in the past have been a blessing to me and very successful. There are several things that I can attribute this to, but mostly it comes as a result of your prayers. To this end I thank you each in advance specifically for your prayers during this trip. If you feel that God puts it on your heart to help support me in this trip financially, your gift of any amount will be gratefully received. Please feel free to ask to me about this exciting opportunity that God has put before me so you know better what I will be doing. Thank you for your support financially, but most importantly, through prayer.
To God alone be the glory!

In Christ,
Brian Fulk

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Work; a steal of a deal; Proverbs Study...

On Friday, I went in to work at a bright shiny early 8a.m. Honestly, I don't like getting up, but I don't really have a choice. Work went about like normal and as I was getting off, the next person came in and told me that there was a super good sale at Old Navy.

Once I dropped off the stuff I got for mom from MARSH, I went straight to Old Navy. I ended up finding 11 (7 pants, 2 shirts, 2 fleeces) things that would fit me or my brothers. The total bill? $23! That's it! Aparently the clothes from last year had to go and they were doing a good job of getting rid of them!

I came home and about 6, I took Johanna over to Steak 'n Shake because for Christmas I gave her a "coupon" for a meal with me. It was a good time of talking and the food was great.

Once we got home, I left to go to the Bible Study at the Faris home on Proverbs. It was a great study about wisdom - how we display it, and how we need to work on getting it. The study went until about 9:45 and until about 1a.m. we sat around and fellowshipped and talked, not to forget the ice cream! Great time, can't wait till the next meeting!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

No more IM for this week

I have decided due to several reasons to not use any form of instant messaging for the duration of one week. I have lots of stuff I am supposed to be doing but I always can find someone who I would rather talk to than to do what I really should be doing! (sound familiar?)
I have come to the conclusion that my priorities are a little out of wack and I need to get them straightened out. Now is the time.
I know blogging can take a lot of time too, but recently I have not been posting anyway, so I will not at this point say that I won't do any posts, just no IM. If i discover I'm spending too much time there, I might cut that too....I really need to make better use of each of the precious hours that God gives me to live.

What is man's chief end? To glorify and enjoy God forever!
(God is the first and highest priority, then family, school and then friends and computer use...)
Give it some thought, you might come to the same conclusion I have, even if it scares you to think what life will be without IM!