Saturday, February 05, 2005

Work; a steal of a deal; Proverbs Study...

On Friday, I went in to work at a bright shiny early 8a.m. Honestly, I don't like getting up, but I don't really have a choice. Work went about like normal and as I was getting off, the next person came in and told me that there was a super good sale at Old Navy.

Once I dropped off the stuff I got for mom from MARSH, I went straight to Old Navy. I ended up finding 11 (7 pants, 2 shirts, 2 fleeces) things that would fit me or my brothers. The total bill? $23! That's it! Aparently the clothes from last year had to go and they were doing a good job of getting rid of them!

I came home and about 6, I took Johanna over to Steak 'n Shake because for Christmas I gave her a "coupon" for a meal with me. It was a good time of talking and the food was great.

Once we got home, I left to go to the Bible Study at the Faris home on Proverbs. It was a great study about wisdom - how we display it, and how we need to work on getting it. The study went until about 9:45 and until about 1a.m. we sat around and fellowshipped and talked, not to forget the ice cream! Great time, can't wait till the next meeting!

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