Monday, February 14, 2005

To those of you who haven't seen my Xanga...

I've been pretty sick for the last week, and not only me but my parents and some of my siblings too! We are all to generous!
Well I basicaly didn't do anything all week except work and sleep, so I have no clue how I'm going to get everything done that I need to get done to catch up. The bug's something like a cross between the flu and a cold with maybe a few pneumonia-like symptoms thrown in there too. It's petty bad and I'll be more than happy to get rid of it any day now...
I am however as far as I can tell, on the way to getting better. I really need to be all better before I leave for Nicaragua.....(prayer item there) :-) But just being down there will help me get better anyway, so whatever.
I'm so ready to go - just 11 days and 6 hours! But I do have some packing to do before then...
Well I'm going to go get some sleep, maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.

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