Tuesday, March 29, 2005


I hate to break the horrible news.....I think I'm on the verge of being converted to Xanga!

So for a while, my main site will be Xanga. Check it out at:www.xanga.com/bearer_of_christ

But as for the update part - things are going great right now. Everything's pretty much just like normal, working about 30 hours a week and the rest of the time is at home working on different stuff.

Due to the wonderful weather recently I've been doing a bit of stuff in the yard cleaning it up etc. Today I went and got 2 cu. yds. of dirt and 3 cu. yds. of mulch and I'm going to get 2 more cu. yds. of mulch tomorrow morning. Thankfully I had some help, Jaci volunteered to come along and was a great help, even if she could barely move the dirt or mulch! :-) Thanks again! Now I have my work cut out for me for about the next month - spreading around all the dirt and mulch! Oh well.

I'm off to bed...Catch you all later.


Anonymous said...

Your welcome.....thanx for sharing my wimpiness. lol Even if I struggled I still had fun. Though im already getting sore. Hopefully I will be ok tomorrow/later today. If you want any help with the rest of the project just let me know. I would be happy to work with you more on it. Though keep in mind im wimpy!!! :P lol

(im not going to sign my name because you should know who this is from)

Michael said...

Hopefully it won't take a *month*.

Anonymous said...

That's not BAD news, it's very GOOD! Now you just need to post one final post on here as a testimonial from a former Blogger about the superiority of Xanga, and see how many others we can get to join! :-D

Josh said...

No no no. Don't go Luke... I mean Brian. Pleeaassseee! Come back to the light side where you can actually get anonymous comments and don't have all the annoying adds asking you to upgrade to "I was addicted enough to actually give these people money"... I mean Premium.

erudil said...

Ditto Josh. Look at the list of reasons I posted on Nirmala's.