Sunday, May 30, 2004

Ok, after a week (make that two weeks) and only 2 posts...

I think it's about time I decide to post again, and only partly because you all are so anxious to know what I’ve been up to. Yes I’ve been quite busy, but that really is a pretty lame excuse for not updating a little bit more often. From now on, I’ll try to be a tiny bit more frequent with posts. How’s that sound? Right now, I’ll try to cover some of the “million” things I’ve done since my last post. So here goes….
Sunday we went to church and in the evening service I shared about my experiences at ALERT.
Then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I worked a whole bunch. Thursday morning before work, I went to my orthodontist and got my braces fixed up so for almost a week, my teeth have been rather sore.
Friday I was off from work and I went over and did some weeding for Mrs. Coston, a neighbor of mine. In the evening, I went over to the Bright's house for the last CYA (Covenanter Young Adults) event of the semester. We had a cookout and then David Whitla led a Bible study on 1 Peter 5. While I was at ALERT I memorized the whole book of 1 Peter, so I knew the general idea of this chapter. He talked about how we are Sheep, Shepherds, and Soldiers in God's kingdom.

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