Friday, June 18, 2004

If you insist.....

This update is especially for Josh, who told me I had to update before I went to bed.....
Today I worked for the majority of the day (10a.m.-5:30p.m.) then I went to a Bible study at church!
The CYA group had a study about Joy which was led by Sean Bird. He went through a whole bunch of verses that show how we are to enjoy God and thus be filled with Joy. When he was done, we watched a movie called "The Truman Show" it was none the less a rather thought provoking movie. It's about a guy named Truman who has been on live TV his whole life (literally) and the creator of the show is trying to keep it going as long as possible. There are many Scriptural paralells which makes you really think. It makes you think about what is really the truth? Do I really know the truth or am I just making it all up in my head? Thankfully God answers all those questions for me in the Bible! I don't have to worry at all about what is true. I'm a Christian, I live life to God's glory (at least I try), and when I die I'm going to Heaven to be with God!!! Now how cool is that?


Josh said...

Thank You Brian! Loved your post, even though you mentioned nothing of a certain motorcycle. :)

Josh said...

Time to update again. Also, Eric I were wondering if you wanted to get up really early and run with us at Holiday Park on Fri before he has to be a work at eight.