Saturday, December 04, 2004

Why do I do these things anyway?

-- name: Brian

-- Birth date: 11/05/84

-- Birthplace: Indianapolis, IN

-- Hair: Blonde!

-- Eyez: Blue

-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Location: Indy

-- Your heritage: I don't actualy know for sure, some German and Scottish though.

-- The shoes you wore today: White 'n blue Asics (running shoes)

-- Your fears: Not many, the future to some extent.

-- Your Favorite Color(s): Blue and Yellow.

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: Would I ever overuse a phrase? It's got to be "LOL"

-- Your best physical feature: Hm, guess my eyes and or face in general? I really don't know.

-- Your bedtime: Whenever I get there, usually pretty late, about 2 a.m. or so.

-- Your most missed memory: Memories are a funny thing, sometimes you remember them and sometimes you don't. Right now I cant think what could possibly be my most missed, other than before I started school when I could "legaly" play all day. :-)

-- Pepsi or Coke: Recently, neither. Generally I like Coke better.

-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds, but again, neither recently.

-- Single or Taken: Single for now, till God brings the right person along, at the right time. :-)

-- Adidas or Nike: Nike, only because they usually fit my feet better, but it's been years since I've had either. Now I prefer New Balance - where else are you going to get a 14B?

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither.

-- Chocolate or vanilla: Depends.

-- Cappuccino or coffee: Don't drink either.

-- Smoke: No!

-- Sing: Of course! God gave me a good voice, why not use it?

-- Take a shower everyday: Yes, Why not? 5 minute showers....I could take a couple a day. LOL

-- Have a crush: Um, maybe.

-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes, at least once, and one of those is with God, hopefully that one will last a good long time!

-- Want to go to college: Yes, planning on IUPUI, then PURUDUE!

-- Like(d) high school: Not particularly.

-- Want to get married: Yes, but only if it's God's plan for me.

-- Believe in yourself: On a good day, yes.

-- Get motion sickness: Nope.

-- Think you're attractive: Not really.

-- Think you're a health freak: NO!

-- Get along with your parent(s): For the most part, yes.

-- Like thunderstorms: Yes! Lightening is soo cool!

-- Play an instrument: Piano and can't forget the voice box. LOL

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: No.

-- Smoked: No.

-- Done a drug: No.

-- Gone on a date: Don't do dates.

-- Gone to the mall?: Nope.

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Even for me, that's a lot of!

-- Eaten sushi: Yuck

-- Been dumped: No.

-- Gone skating: No.

-- Made homemade cookies: No, but I did help Kevin with them the other day.

-- Dyed your hair: No, nor do I plan to anytime soon.

-- Stolen anything: No, stealing is bad.

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope, not in my plans.

-- Been caught "doing something": No.

-- Gotten beaten up: No. The closest would be a friendly brother to brother disagreement.

-- Shoplifted: Once or twice, but that was when I was about 5 and "I didn't know any better," but I had to take it back and make it right.

-- Changed who you were to fit in: No, but I'm almost allways the odd one though.

-- Numbers and Names of Children: Um, 3-5 or so. No idea on names right now, though over my life, I've thought of some good ones.

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Hm, anything that God is honored in, probably at church, with my family and friends.

-- How do you want to die: However God decides. Idealy in my sleep or something.

-- Where you want to go to college: Purdue.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Depends on your definition of "grown up" lol. When all is said and done, a missionary in South or Central America, using the agriculture knowledge that I will hopefully learn from Purdue.

-- What country would you most like to visit: Nicaragua! To see all my friends from the (4) mission trips that I've done to there.

-- Blue or Green: Blue.

-- Best hair color? I like blonde or brown, but anything's fine with me.

-- Short or long hair: On me - short (the shorter the better to some extent).

-- Height: Me? I am roughly 6 feet.

-- Best weight: What kinda question is this? Preferably something in general relation to the size of the person (basicaly average / normal)

-- Best articles of clothing: Well, I really don't care, anything that fits well and keeps me warm. :-)

-- Best first date location: A date? And what is that anyway? LOL

-- Best first kiss location: Um, at the front of the church on my wedding day.

-- # of drugs taken illegally: Zero!

-- # of people I could trust with my life: Not very many, maybe 1-2; Ultimately God.

-- # of CDs that I own: Music CDs? About 35, plus about 5 or so computer CDs.

-- # of piercings: Zero.

-- # of scars on my body: A whole bunch! Some more obvious than others.

-- # of things in my past that I regret: I have to honestly say that I really don't regret anything, except the way I applied (or didn't) myself to my years in high school (homeschooled). But as Romans 8:28 says: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

*The End* Yay I finished it! :-)


erudil said...

I don't know, why do you do them? Oh, wait, you just said why: you like them 8^D

Heather said...

wow! that's a long one!
and btw, i had to laugh when you put a date? what's that anyway?

Josh said...

Sushi is good.

Brian said...

How do you know anyway Josh?