Friday, July 15, 2005

Monday June 20, 2005

We got up at 3:45 a.m. and were packed up and on the road at 4:30 a.m. Mr. Hanson drove the truck for the first 3 hours and then we stopped in the first rest stop area in Florida for breakfast. I then drove from just before 8 until roughly 11:30. We got gas and then drove for about 30 minutes more before stopping for lunch. We ate most of the leftovers from the pitch-in at church yesterday. After less than 30 minutes, we were back on the road and then Jill drove the rest of the way. We stopped once for a bathroom break and hit the road again. At about 5:30 we got to the church we would stay at. Then we ate dinner (sandwiches again) and then had a bit of time then had devotions and bed at 9pm. Total driving time was about 13 hours counting the breaks and lunch, but we were all definitely glad to finally be there! I made a quick call home and let them know we had arrived.

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