Sunday, May 30, 2004

There's more....

Saturday began with mom and dad leaving here for a week in Colorado Springs, CO which means that I’m stuck here with my 3 oldest brothers, which might or might not prove to be safe! Thankfully I was off from work again (how wonderful and it’s only about my 5th day off since I got home a month ago!) and I went to an open house for a friend from work. I then drove all the way out to Belle Center Ohio to Nathaniel Pockras’s open house. Kevin (my brother) and Zachary and Allen Blackwood rode along with me and after we got there, we had some cake - yum. We stayed over night since it’s a 3 hour drive and then went to Belle Center RP Church for their service. Nathaniel really appreciated being able to see some of his friends, some of which he had not seen for almost a year ~ me . Following a quick lunch, we departed and came back to Indy.
Monday and Tuesday are a blur of work.
Wednesday morning I went over to Mrs. Costons’ home to pull more weeds and put some extra dirt in low spots in her flower gardens. In the afternoon, I drove Kevin up to Noblesville for a writing class and on the way home, once he was done, we stopped at the brand new MARSH store on 37. It is really, REALLY cool! It’s organized by category of food and is formed almost like a mall with a “room” being assigned a category and pathways all through the rooms. The produce section was filling the whole middle area. Needless to say, I would love to work in a store like that!! Once we got home, I turned around and left again, going up to Carmel library to meet with Rutledge Etheridge for our every other week meeting referring to Bible study, prayer and the daily disciplines a Christian needs to have in place in their life.
Thursday morning I went to Mrs. Costons’ home again to finish the job I began on Wednesday – pulling weeds, leveling flower gardens, and also I picked up sticks through out her whole yard. Finally it was looking good and I got to come home, but not for long. After a shower and lunch I headed to Marsh for basically the rest of the day.

1 comment:

erudil said...

Quick lunch, yeah, but you forgot to mention that you stayed for like 2½ hours after lunch!