Wednesday, February 02, 2005

No more IM for this week

I have decided due to several reasons to not use any form of instant messaging for the duration of one week. I have lots of stuff I am supposed to be doing but I always can find someone who I would rather talk to than to do what I really should be doing! (sound familiar?)
I have come to the conclusion that my priorities are a little out of wack and I need to get them straightened out. Now is the time.
I know blogging can take a lot of time too, but recently I have not been posting anyway, so I will not at this point say that I won't do any posts, just no IM. If i discover I'm spending too much time there, I might cut that too....I really need to make better use of each of the precious hours that God gives me to live.

What is man's chief end? To glorify and enjoy God forever!
(God is the first and highest priority, then family, school and then friends and computer use...)
Give it some thought, you might come to the same conclusion I have, even if it scares you to think what life will be without IM!


Anonymous said...

Found your blog through your other blog...on the Crossings blogring. :-)

It's sad how easily IM can eat up precious time. I've discovered that you don't really get to know people that well that way either. There really *are* better things to be doing with ones time. Glad to hear others feel the same way sometimes.

Amy Fairbanks

Anonymous said...

I agree totally Amy....besides anyone can say anything. I know of someone who made up a whole lie saying they lived in a different town and even studied facts about the town so they could sound believable.

Heather said...

I had to do the same thing with IM, and then with my blog. It's amazing how much more you accomplish when you leave the computer alone for a while. =P

Michael said...

/grammer nazi warning
"cheif" is spelled chief
/grammer nazi off

Anonymous said...

Hey corrected cheif :) and spelled Indianapolis wrong on your blog...........

Brian said...

I fixed it. Are you happy now?