Wednesday, August 04, 2004

ALERT Cadet Challenge!!

After the training session yesterday, several ALERT (Air Land Emergency Resource Team) guys and I met at the Convention center downtown to help lead an ALERT Cadet Challenge here in Indianapolis for about 350 cadets. By the mere fact that other ALERT men are here, means that I got to see some people that I know and to develop new friendships.
As the Cadets arrived, they marched out in groups of about 20 to the park where the event is taking place. Once we were all there, the cadets were divided up into their respective teams, and introduced to their squad leaders. I was selected to be an assistant for the obstacle course, helping Lieutenant Thornton to get all the cadets through in a reasonable time period and without injury. This was done for 2 separate units over the course of the afternoon. At about 4:30 p.m. everyone assembled and the cadets were then marched back over to the Convention center where their parents picked them up. I stayed to help clean up the equipment and headed toward home at about 5:30. It was a great day, and I get to do it again tomorrow!

1 comment:

erudil said...

I didn't know that ALERT did anything except in Texas.