Tuesday, August 03, 2004

RP conference - Is it over all ready?

So much for a week long conference, it's over! I can't believe that it went by so fast! Here I am a week after it started and I can not even begin to describe all that went on there, but I'll still give it a shot.
To begin with, me and 34 others rode our bikes the 300 miles up to Grand Rapids, MI and Calvin College where the Reformed Presbyterian International Conference was held. Starting it all off was a session to kick off the Conference. Following that, the college age group (which I'm in) met in their room for a time of games and fellowship to get to know people. Starting Sabbath morning and every other morning after that, Ted Donnelly, a preacher from Ireland, spoke on the callings of Christians to service to the LORD. The titles of his sermons were: Called by Grace, Called to be Saints, Called to Freedom, Living out our Calling, Called to Glory. These messages were the highlight of the week for me just because of the enourmous amount of information that was presented and the many things I personally learned. After lunch was a time for recreation - biking, basketball, ultimate frisbee... then it was dinner time. After dinner each day was some sort of entertainment, weather it was a tallent show, a concert by New Song, annother message, or IRISH DANCING! (That was a total blast!!) By the time all was over, it was a good idea to go to bed, though not many did right away.
I'm not sure how I almost missed it, but after the morning message each day, there was someone that came and taked to the college group about how God had brought them to serve Him where they are currently. These testimonies are a close second to Ted Donnelly's sermons - every one was a great encouragement and challenge in some way. One evening just the guys had a special message from Matthew Topper on fidelity. That was probably the single best message, just because of it's incredible relevence to both me, and to everyone else there.
God really used this conference in my life to renew my relationships with friends, but even more so to deepen my relationship with Him. I pray that I will continue to apply things that I learned from this experience for the rest of my life.
I could keep on talking for hours, but at this point, I think I'll sign off for now. :)

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