Monday, August 09, 2004

An update on life and the future

I have come to the realization that many of you really have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going, so I figured I might as well fill you all in!

Where I've been:
So far this year, I have been at ALERT from February until April, when I was promoted out of Basic Training. Since I've been home I have primarily been working at my job (MARSH) about 20-30 hours every week. Also I have done assorted landscaping type jobs around home - gardening and weeding :). Plus some miscellaneous school stuff.

Where I'm going in the future:
This fall I'm planning on working about the same amount; ~30 hours per week, possibly getting a second job (probably a night job at UPS if I do). Primarily this money is for either college or ALERT. I'm also going to be taking a semester of Mr. Pulliam's writing class, and maybe Dr. Blackwood's Ancient Church History class as well. In January, I'm hoping to go back to ALERT for another 10-20 weeks. If I'm there only 10 weeks it will be for Emergency Response Training, which includes: counseling, chainsaw use, basic fire fighting, CPR, basic first aid, basic high angle rescue, a 2 week deployment, search and rescue, 2 weeks of diving, and "rescue systems one". The second 10 weeks, if I stay for it, would be for "EMT-Basic" (Emergency Medical Training). When I get back from ALERT I plan to work until the fall (2005) when I hope to take a year at IUPUI taking classes such as math, English, biology and chemistry that are transferable to main campus Purdue for the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year. At which point I will have 3-3.5 years at Purdue and I hope to graduate with a bachelors in International Agronomy. This I will then use as an intern at ECHO (Lord Willing) for a year or as long as God calls me to be there. From there, I hope to become a full time missionary in Central or South America. So that's the basic plan for about the next 10 years or so...

Of course marriage and a family may come along sometime in that timeframe too, I'll never know! If that all doesn't blow your mind, great! That's just the vision God has given me for my future! Pretty amazing! Well, that's about all for now.

If you want something to pray for, you could pray:
1. That I would be consistent in my daily QT and prayer time.
2. That I would make wise use of the time that God gives every day.

1 Timothy 4:7-8
7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales, rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.


erudil said...

If you get into ECHO as an intern, they'll need your chainsaw training. You should have seen the trouble the interns were having with chainsaws when I was there.

Edwin Allen Henry said...

That's amazing that God has given you such a precise vision on your future - I'll continue praying for you when/if you go back to ALERT - please send me updates when/if you go!

btw: I got a new blog - check it out: