Monday, November 29, 2004

Well start answering them... :-)

1. When did you first "friend" me?

2. Why did you first "friend" me?

3. What posts of mine do you like to read the best?

4. What would you like me to write about that I don't?

5. Do you think we would be friends in real life?

6. How often do you read my journal?

7. What do we have in common?

8. Will you post this in your journal so I can answer?

Found this on someone's blog and well, I decided it's interesting enough....and no, you don't really have to put it on yours unless you want to. :-)

It's past my bed time :-D .... gotta go.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Hiking trip...

Ok this is going to be long.... just to warn you :-)

So...way back on Sunday...

Right after the morning service was over, Eric and I got our stuff into his car, changed clothes and then left for a ~2 hour drive to Hoosier National Forest that is SE of Indianapolis. We decided to try out Hickory Ridge Trail. Eric has not been there before, and neither had I, so it was going to be new for both of us! We got to the trailhead at about 3pm and got all ready to hike. Eric, for the fun of it brought along a scales so we could weigh our packs before we started out. His weighed 68 lbs. and mine "only" weighed about 60 lbs. So we strapped up and hit the trail. We hiked for two hours and finally found a place that seemed to be a good spot to stop. Looking around, we found a spot to set up camp. After we had everything set up (tent, sleeping arrangements etc) we had dinner - noodles and garlic bread. Once we had cleaned everything up, we got in the tent and read several chapters of "The Mark of a Man" by Elizabeth Elliott - (a very challenging and yet encouraging book for young men especially). I fell asleep at about 9 p.m.

I woke up at noon (15 hours of sleep!!) and then Eric and I decided to get breakfast ready - breakfast burritos with egg, cheese, veggies, salsa etc... Those were some of the best I have ever had, and that on a camping trip!! After breakfast (or lunch, whatever you call it), we decided to take a bit of a walk along the trail to fellowship with each other and to see some more of the wonderful creation that God has made us! Along the trail, we saw some pretty funny sights - an old Chevy with a tree growing through it, and a horse saddle screwed to a weirdly shaped tree! We got back to camp at about 3 p.m. and then decided to spend 1.5 hours alone with God in prayer and reading of the Scripture. It ended up being over 2 hours! It was such a refreshing time, I need to do that more often! I think it's a good start to getting the fire in my heart going again! I read some great passages - Psalm 69, John 1, Galatians 3. They showed me some things that....well....are lacking in my life, and that saddens me quite a lot to realize that. Also I tried something that Eric suggested - writing a letter to God, it was a great experience of searching my life. So after that AWESOME (I don't use that lightly) time, we went into the tent and decided to write Joel (a guy my age that is at the Navy boot camp right now) a letter and then we read a bunch more chapters from the book "The Mark of a Man" before we had dinner. For dinner, we had a wonderfully filling selection of "mashed" potatoes, cream of mushroom soup, and stuffing. Wow that was a wonderful meal! After cleaning all that up, we went to the tent and read some more from the book until about midnight when we went to sleep.

We got up about 8 a.m. and each did our Quiet Times before we had breakfast. This time it was pancakes! To think I never expected to have pancakes on a hiking trip! We could only cook one at a time so it took a while! :-) But we had plenty of time to spare! After we got everything cleaned up, we started packing up. We got the packs all ready, and hit the trail. We went out a different way than we came in, and ended up running into some private property which we went around, but that meant traveling over some hills that weren't actually part of the trail. Finally we made it to the road and after a mile more we were back at the car!! After celebrating with some cream soda (one of Eric's traditions), we weighed the packs again - his was 43 lbs, mine was 46 lbs. That's a lot of food and water that we went through!! After loading up in the car, we drove back, hit some traffic, and I ended up getting to work just on time at 6 p.m. What a trip! I hope we can do something like that again sometime!

Praise the Lord for:
Great weather - even if it did rain at night a couple times!
Safety in hiking and driving.
Wonderful growth in God and with each other.

I forgot to say that on a couple occasions, Eric and I as we were hiking along the trail, stopped and listened to nothing / silence for maybe 5 or 10 minutes. It was really cool. No birds, no cars, no wind, no rustling, no people, no animals, no nothing. That's something you don't get to experience every day (its a shame though) and you are just awestruck. I'm amazed at how much noise we are always hearing! Good thing God made our ears to stand up to all that!
*End EDIT*

Cool Quote!

"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night."
~Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes~

Found this on a friend's IM away message, isn't it great?

Thursday, November 25, 2004

An update is an order but...

Well I have this thing called work....and well I have to get some sleep so I can be at work (on Thanksgiving day) at 9 in the morning.
I figure I'll at least give you all a link to the pictures of the trip, and I promise I'm going to tell you all more about it, but it may be a day or two. Sorry!

So here's the link to the pictures.
There are three albums: the "good ones," (ones I think turned out pretty good) the "blurry ones," (they should have turned out good, but they didn't) and all the others (these don't really fit into either category!). All told there are 129 pictures - would have been more but I only brought one memory card with me so we ran out of room!


For me that I'd continue to apply the many things that God showed me while I was on my little trip... - again, I'll tell you later. :-) Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Hooray! We survived!

So, I just got home and we had a great time, But I have to go to work...
More later!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Quick review and update...

Alright, so after going to bed at about 7 yesterday morning, got to sleep until 11:30. I got up at that point to get ready to go to JK and Chrisitna's wedding at church. The service started at 1 and we got there in plenty of time. The ceremony itself was somewhat shorter than normal for a wedding there; it only went an hour. It was very nicely decorated with a fall theme, and it seemed that everything went quite smoothly. After the service, the reception was held in the basement and it was very fitting in decorations with that which was upstairs too. (Obviously there was a lot of planning ahead of time!) Now they are happily married and you could pray that God will work through them now as a couple to further his kingdom around the world.
When I got home from the reception at about 6 p.m., I began to pull some things together for the hiking trip that Eric and I are leaving for this afternoon. I finally got everything packed (my backpack is significantly heavier than when I was at ALERT, why, I don't know) and then went to bed.
So, this hiking trip..... We will leave this afternoon and drive to our destination - a trail or park in Southern Indiana (Eric was the one choosing the location so I don't know where we'll be yet :-). After hiking a little while to wherever we will have our campsite, we will set up camp and spend the night. In the morning, we will eat (of course!) and then leave our camp and hike around on Monday, spending time with each other, alone with God and in prayer etc... I hope God can use this time to help grow me to be more consistent with reading the Scriptures daily. Monday night we will hike back to our tent and spend the night there. Tuesday morning, we will eat, break camp and hike back to the car. We will then drive home and that will be the end of our wonderful hiking trip. :-)

Please pray for:
Good weather - no rain and good temperature as well.
Safety - in driving and as we hike.
Wonderful growth both between us and God.

Signing of....

Saturday, November 20, 2004

One of those "I'm tired" moments...

Ok, so I did work all night, starting at 10 p.m. last night until 6 a.m. this morning. It was certainly a totally different experience and when I'm a bit more coherent, I'll try to write up a brief discription of the night. In general (I was the night cashier) it was very slow after midnight and so I helped the night stock a whole bunch. All told, I probably had less than 50 customers the whole night!
Well, I'm going to go to bed and get some sleep before I get up to got to JK and Christina's wedding later today! (tomorrow) :)
Good night all!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Some notes from Michael Lefebvre's lecture

This is just a summary of my notes, please read them! I don't know how much sense these notes will make, but I hope they make some sense! It was an absolutely wonderful talk and I would highly reccommend trying to get a copy of the tape if you are interested

"Eden Zion, and the World" – “Real Estate and Redemption” or “The Geography of Missions in the Bible”

Blessing, Seed, Land were the 3 main themes of covenants God gave.
In the creation account, Genesis 1:26-28; 2:5-15, God reveals himself to us
Things that God reveals to us:
His Creativity
His Productivity
His Orderly
His Goodness


Genesis 2:5-15 - Man’s purpose in Relation to THE GARDEN.

A need – verse 5a
Agriculture is not as yet ongoing. Needs ongoing management
A Reason – Verse 5b
1 No Rain, (God’s ongoing involvement)
2 No Man Verse 5b
A provision – Verse 6
“A mist”, Rain/mist the evaporation cycle
Man – life
A place – Verse 8-9
God himself planted an example – the garden of Eden.

Place of Garden - It’s arrangement

The garden is in Eden, but is not the whole of Eden.

Genesis 2:9 – In the East (eastern part of the OT World, OR Eastward is better translation – Garden planted in the East part of Eden)

The water flows into the garden and then out into the rest of the world. The very arrangement of the land pictures and facilitates man’s ability to go out into the world.
Biblically, Eden seems to be equated to Canaan, Garden of Eden is equated with the Jordan River Valley.
THIS place as the divinely appointed platform for man to “Go in” and to “Go out”

The whole world is supposed to be an ongoing reflection of God

The purpose of Adam continues

The appointed place continues

Eden = Zion

The Evidence of the Psalms

Psalm 36, Psalm 65,Psalm 133
The Evidence of the Prophets
Ezekiel 47, Isaiah 51:3, Lamentations 2:6, Ezekiel 36:35, Joel 2:3, 3:18, Micah 4:18, ETC...
The Evidence of Genesis

Gen 3:24 – Adam was sent out of Eden on its EAST side

Gen 4:16 – Cain was sent further East away from Eden

Gen 11:2 – Tower of Babel built in Shinar (Babylon)

Genesis has a general movement of people falling away from God, and a physical movement east, east, east….

Gen 11:31 – Abram’s family moves WEST, into Canaan. This is the first indication of moving west.

Eastern movement away from God, and then Westward movement back to God.


Zion = the place appointed for confirming man’s standing with God.


Continuity of God’s plan

Purpose in Eden ----> Temple of Zion ----> Cross in Zion

The nature of Missions

A need, even before sin God had given a need (Eph 2:10) “…we are his workmanship…prepared beforehand…” Keeping things in order; Calvin’s Institutes 3.10.6

Using Land – Texts in scripture

How to handle “land texts” – there is a drive all through the Bible, that there is a purpose of the land. Scripture is focused on this land and is a prototype for the rest of the world. Psalm 48 – Zion the greatest of all mountains Do we handle this text honestly and right? Specific location has importance

Eden = Zion = The Church

What we have looked at is a Theology of LAND in the Scriptures.

As we go out, we continue in that same heritage as Adam, Abraham – to glorify God in every detail. Week by week, reflect God’s glory in an ongoing way, standing in a right relationship with God forever.

Two good days in a row!

I got up today just in time to be at work at 8 a.m. I worked in the office until 2 p.m., and it was just a little bit busier than normal. Most of the reason it is getting busier is because Thanksgiving is coming up. When I got home I worked on cleaning up some stuff in my room and on my desk. One thing I worked on especially was one of my "file piles." Once that stuff was mostly cleaned up, I started doing some school. After dinner, I took Kevin to ASL (sign language) class. I also took Johanna and Sterling to Steak and Shake to be picked up by their carpool to go to choir. Next, I went to listen to Michael Lefebvre’s lecture on “Real Estate and Redemption.” The lecture was very detailed and demonstrated a very in depth understanding of the topic by Michael. I’m very glad I was able to go! Now I’ve got all sorts of school stuff to finish!

Monday, November 15, 2004

One full day!

Today, I got up at 9:30 a.m. and got ready to go to Dr. Hughes (my Orthodontist) to get an X-Ray taken to take with me to my appointment with Dr. Bussard (oral surgeon). I came home after getting the X-Ray and ate breakfast, then I went to Dr. Bussard’s office up in Fishers. I waited there for about 45 minutes, thinking they would call me up. I guess I was supposed to sign in and then they would know I was there. I finally got to see him at about noon, even though the appointment was scheduled at 11! He looked at my mouth and the X-Ray and told me that there’s plenty of space to do implants (on my front two teeth that are missing) and gave an initial estimate of about $5,000 - kind of expensive! Now I know that I can get my braces off in December! Now, all I have to do is decide how to pay for it and when to have the surgery, which doesn’t really sound like too much fun. After the appointment, I stopped by the Gander Mountain store to buy one of the new Nalgene bottles which are very cool. I then stopped by home to eat lunch really quickly and then I went to work at 1 p.m. I worked as a cashier for most of the day but I had to go into the office a couple times to turn around some tills. The 2 office people who were working didn’t know how to do the tills, so I got to! I got off work at 6 and then raced home, gulped down some dinner and ran out the door for BSF. Tonight we discussed Hebrews 1 and 2 about encouragement, facts about Jesus, culture, and angels. After BSF, my discussion group had a time of fellowship and we each told about how we have seen God work in our lives. It was a really neat time. Now that my wonderfully full day is done, I think I’ll go to bed.


P.S. If ya want to pray for something for me, pray that I would be wise with my use of time - less time surfing blogs, IMing etc. I have lots of stuff to do.

Yesterday Evening's Sermon Notes

Pastor Johnston
“Knowing and Doing the Will of God”
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4

This is a very big topic, especially in college age young adults, but it doesn’t stop with college, it goes on through the rest of life.
Here in this passage Paul tells us about discerning of God
Everything is dependant on the character of God.
The Bible does not really present the way to discern the will of God. Instead, we are to walk in the will.
Knowing God’s will means that we walk in God’s will – our life is in the will of God.
Verse 18 – he who says he abides in God, will walk in God’s way. We don’t have to twist God’s arm, find verses in the Bible, go to conferences etc… those will probably help, but are not really the way that God reveals his will to us.
The best way to find the will of God is now, by doing the will of God step by step.
God calls us to walk in his way – Psalm 86B - a great application of the sermon.

Yesterday's morning sermon - Dr. Blackwood

Mark 3 - "Jesus Called 12 to be with him"

6 Characteristics that must be evident in the life of a disciple / requirements to be a disciple.
1. A kind of person who does what Simon, Andrew, James, etc. had already done – leaving their occupation to follow Jesus. Their skills were still necessary. Mt. 6:33 Seek the kingdom first
2. He continues to listen to the teachings of Christ, Personal study of Scripture, memorization, John 8:31 Don’t let anything distract from God’s word
3. He has a consistent relationship/fellowship with God – Prays daily for others
4. A disciple is a person who just loves to be around other believers. 2 Cor 5:17 – all men will know you are a disciple because of the love you demonstrate to others
5. One who openly identifies with Jesus Christ. Others will want to know that same Jesus that you know. “so shall you be my disciples”
6. One who lays down his life for Jesus Christ. “hate his mother, father, siblings, otherwise you can’t be a disciple.” Not one who just knows the will of God, but does the will of God.
Challenge: Will you be one of his Disciples? Will you participate in his “long range plan for evangelizing the world?”

Saturday, November 13, 2004

If yesterday was wierd, today was even worse! wacky day folows after another.....
So today I went into work at 8 this morning and was a cashier supposedly until 1p.m. They decided however, that they would rather me get off at 11 and come back in again and work 6-10 as a bagger (the late bagger called in for some reason and there would have been no one after 8:30). The result was that I worked 3 hours this morning, and another 4 hours tonight - a total of 7 hours and I was only scheduled for 5! Two extra hours, horay!
When I got home (the first time) I ate lunch and then went outside (it was such a beautiful day, even if it was a little bit cold). I started by cleaning up some stuff in the barn, and then cleaned all the dead stuff out of the garden. I then tilled most of the garden and re-planted a whole bunch of Iris plants that I have growing (if you want some I'll give them to you for FREE). By that time, it was time to get ready for work again! It's really weird going in to work 2 times in the same day!
So when I got to work, I started by cleaning the restrooms [Fun!], and then collected the trash from a whole bunch of trash cans throughout the store. I then took a break and when I got back, I was the only one for the rest of the night.
Probably the most fun I have ever had at work in my whole time there, is something that Mr. Kiser had me do. He had me take down the sales advertisments in the front windows, and then put new ones up! What made it so fun was that the top of the windows is about 8-9 feet high, and to get to it, you have to climb over the lines of carts and balance on a 4" ledge! It was a blast! Once I had finished, it was already 10 and I got to go home, for the second time in a day!
Before I left Jaci, who was also working tonight, called Marsh to have them ask me to drop her coat by her house on my way home. I was more than willing to do that. :) I won't say anything about her being good at forgetting things.... This is only the second time (and counting) that I've brought something to her that she left behind at work! It's cool living so close to work, and so close to someone who also works there. :-)
That's about the extent of my wacky day!!

Now I'm off to bed.

P.S. Did anyone notice that I spelled my name wrong on the last post? (yes I did it on purpose, just to see if anyone would notice it) :-)

Friday, November 12, 2004

What a weird day

So after I find out I'm not working, I spend the rest of my day working on all sorts of different things. About 4:30, I get a call from MARSH - "Do you want to work 5-9?" I said "Sure!"
So on a day when I was lamenting loosing hours, they give them right back to me!
What coincidence! Hey it's things like that that make life interesting, and you can look at it and kinda laugh a little bit! :-)
Well I should get to bed so I can get to work on time tomorrow, assuming that they don't cut me tomorrow :-)


P.S. How come no one's commenting? I must have gotten really boring all of a sudden!

I'm So excited!

I'm finally getting my money from EBAY that I lost in an auction in August!!
I won a camera for $250 and sent the money, but the seller never sent the camera. I filed a complaint and all that stuff, and tonight when I got home from work, I read my email and one of them was from EBAY!!!

I won't get the full amount, but anything (in this case $175) is better than nothing!

Praise the Lord that this was finally resolved!!

I like my employer but...

For two days in a row, they have called and told me to not come in.

Yesterday they just told me that they didn't need me to cover an extra part of someone's shift, but I still got to work my originally scheduled shift.

Today's a different story - I was supposed to work from 1pm-5pm and they called me at 8:30 this morning, telling me that they don't want me to come in at all today!

Ok, I know I'm selfish, I like my hours. Why did they have to cut me? Sure I have other things I can do, but that's irrelevant. There are people who are working that haven't been there even a month and I have been with the company for 3.5 years! Surely I have a little bit of seniority?

They said they had to cut hours because they were over budget on hours or something. Forget the budget! Oh well, life goes on. Besides it’s only 4 hours! You think I can deal with that? I hope so.

Please don’t start a pity party, but do pray that they will give me more hours. (Next week I’m scheduled for 31 hours! Yay!)

End of Rant.

May the rest of my day go better……


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I was just doing my Bible Study...

Today I skimmed the book of Hebrews and one question asks me to give phrases of how the writer encourages those to whom he was writing who were in hard times.
So next, the study asks:
"When you are discouraged because of difficult cirmcumstances, what could others do to encourage you most?"

So I ask the same to you. What encourages you the most? Why?


P.S. After you all answer, I'll post my answer. :-)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

For the fun of it....

1) Single or Taken: Single, and I will be untill / if God changes that.
2) Sex: Male
3) Birthday: November 5th 1984
4) Sign: I don't care.

5) Siblings: 2 older brothers, 2 younger sisters, 3 younger brothers. (total = 2 sis, 5 bro)
6) Hair colour: Blonde
7) Eye color: Blue
8) Shoe size : 14 B (narrow = very hard to find, but thanks to New Balance, I can get shoes in my size!)

9) Height: ~6'

1) Where is your favorite place to shop: Like I really shop anywhere?

2) Favorite outfit: Anything that fits and looks good. (definitely not my work uniform) :-)

1) Do you do drugs: NO way!

2) What are you most scared of: I try not to be scared of anything, but that's only because I know God is in charge.
3) What car do you wish to have: Well, I'm happy with any car that runs without having to be in the shop all the time, but a Honda Accord would be really cool.

4) Where do you want to get married: Probably a church...
5) How many messenger buddies do you have on right now: ~80
6) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: Actually I'm pretty thankful for the way God made me!

1) Subject in school?: I'm supposed to have a favorite? Science, Piano and PT are good :-)

2) Animals?: Dogs I guess.
3) Color? Blue and yellow

1) Given anyone a bath? Yup, my sibs a bunch of times.

2) Smoked? Never!
3) Bungee jumped? I wish.
4) Fought the law? Nope
5) Made yourself throw-up? Yuck!

6) Gone skinny-dipping? Again... no.

1) Red: The blood that Jesus paid for my sins with.

2) Cow: Lunch?
3) Socks: Shoes?
4) Greenland: Cold

1) Been so drunk you blacked out: Never drank, and don't plan to anytime soon, reguardless of when I turn 21!
2) Put a body part on fire for amusement? That would be stupid.

3) Been in a car accident? Yes, once. Make that twice. I was driving only in one of those, and it was not my fault.
4) Been hurt emotionally? Who hasn't?
5) Kept a secret from everyone: Of course!
6) Had an imaginary friend: Not that I remember
7) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Actually....Yes
8) Cried during a movie? Yes

9) Had a crush on a teacher? No, that would be gross! (my teacher has always been my mom - homeschool)
10) Ever thought an animae character was hot? No.

1) Shampoo: Head and Shoulders

2) Hair Colour: Blonde / Brown
3) Day/Night: Night, but it depends.

4) Summer/Winter: Summer!! Bring on the sun!
5) Fave Films: Lord of the Rings!

6) Fave Ice Cream: Chocolate chip cookie dough.

1) Wearing: Do, I have to say? work uniform - tan pants and a white MARSH polo with a blue MARSH sweatshirt on top.

2) Thinking about: Just that I should be going to bed soon, I have a short night before I have to be at work.
3) Listening to: Lord of the Rings soundtrack, but iTunes is on random...

1) cried: No
2) ate: Absolutely!
3) slept: Yes, thankfully!
3) Cleaned your room: No, but as a whole, my room doesn't need cleaning up.

4) Done laundry: Nope.
5) Driven a car: Yes.

1) Yourself: Uh, I guess so.

2) Friends: Sure.
3) Santa Claus: No, never did either.

4) Destiny/Fate: No, I believe on the providence of God.
5) Angels: Yes!
6) Ghosts: No!

Ok, so that was a little longer than I thought it would be, and no, you don't have to do this on your site too. :-)
Off to bed...

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Leaves, class and cake!

This morning I got up at about 10. Johanna, Sterling and I went over to the Chabs (elderly neighbor) for 2 hours raking up leaves and bagging them up. We raked almost the whole back yard and part of the front, ending up with about 22 garbage bags full of leaves! When I got home, I took a quick shower then Kevin and I were off to History class. At class, Dr. Blackwood gave a lecture about the 7 cities in Revelation and then gave an overview of the Gospel(s). While we were there, a really nice lady who is also taking the class, gave us some of the best chili or soup (it was even better because I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast or lunch)!
When we got home, I cut Sterling and Adriel’s hair (only the 2nd time in my life to cut someone’s hair!) and then Mom cut mine. I'm sooo glad my hair is finally short again - the way i like it. It's so much easier! :-)
After a quick shower (to get the hair off - no I don't make a habit of taking 2 showers in a day), we finally got to eat dinner at 8 pm! We were doing my birthday for dinner (yay! that means I get to pick what we have!). We had "pounded chicken", brussel sprouts, and spinach salad, oh, can’t forget the cake and Ice cream! I got a couple books and some money from my Grandparents (thank you so much!), and Michael gave me a pitch key!
Afterwards, I was finally was able to check my email - it's been 2 days since the Internet stopped working - and read blogs and update mine!
So I'm off to bed now!


P.S. I really don’t feel any older, but I guess I am!

Friday, November 05, 2004

Yay! I'm 20! Now what?

I have this weird feeling, you really don't feel any older, but yet, you are. I'm no longer a teenager and well, It's kinda cool to look back over my "long" life and see how God has brought me from where I was, all the way to where I am now! Be that through Church, Friends, Sabbath School, Teachers, 8 mission trips, and well there's so many more things in my life that make me who I am now, but it's ALL because of GOD! Praise the Lord!
For my birthday, we really didn't do anything because I worked from 8 am - 4:30 (at least I was supposed to be there at 8! I accidently slept in and didn't get there till 10!) I don't know why I worked on my birthday, but oh well, I need as many hours as I can get. After work, I came home for a little while before going to the Bright's house for a CYA (Covenanter Young Adult - College age) activity. We watched a movie called "Amadaeus" about Mozart. The main point of the movie is that this other composer who lived at the same time, didn't like Mozart because God had given Mozart more tallent than he received. Basically what it comes down to is the other guy is fighting against God, who is represented in Mozart, and in the end he looses (duh). I had invited Jaci from work, and I'm really glad she was able to make it, and she enjoyed it and said she's interested in coming to future CYA events too. :-) I finally got home about midnight and went to bed!

Pray for: Jaci and her family -- going to CA for a wedding this weekend, please pray for safety and a good time. Me -- that I would live this next year to God's glory in all I do. Josh -- Continued healing for his ankle.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

I get the feeling i'm tired....

Ok, so procrastination does not pay off!
I got up at about 10am on Wednessday, and did some school stuff and worked at MARSH from 2-10pm. Once i got home I set out to finish all the assignments due for Mr. Pulliam's writing class Thurday morning at 11am. I had 3 fairly large papers to write (2 500 word papers, and 7 journals that equaled about 2000 words) on top of that i had to read the book i was supposed to write one of the reports on. The result was that i got to sleep for about 45 minutes before class! after class, I cleaned Mr. Chab's (elderly couple that is a neighbor of mine) gutters and then i went in to work at 330. I worked untill about 10pm and i'm finally home and I think I'm going to go to bed and get some sleep! Being up for 40 hours straight is not exactly good for your wellbeing!!


PS Being tired doesn't help my type or spell any better either! Sorry for the typos!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Lunch, elections....

Ok, so after all your wonderful suggestions, I decided to go to Carabbas (Italian restraunt) but it didn't open till 4 p.m. So instead we went to Maccaroni Grill (also Italian) that was right across the street. The food was really good! Since it was my "birthday" they gave me this really good huge piece of chocolate cake with chocolate iceing, it was delicious! On the way home from lunch, we stopped at the place for me to vote. I did my duty and came home. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
For the rest of the day, I watched the results of the election as they started to come in. Finally at about 1:30 am, I found out that Bush was almost guaranteed to win, so then I could go to bed in peace!! Not only did BUSH win, but Daniels won the governor's race too! Now the US House, Senate and President are Republican, as are the Indiana House, Senate and Governor!! It's wonderful news!
I have so much stuff to finish for writing class on Thursday, so I better stop there! :)


PS Happy 18th Birthday Anjali - since you couldn't vote, probably the one biggest present you could get is that BUSH and DANIELS won the election, even though you couldn't vote! :-)

Monday, November 01, 2004

Where to?

Ok, my birthday is on Friday and my grandparents are going to take me out to lunch. (this is something they have done with my family for a really long time for our birthdays) I can go anywhere I want within reason. I have no idea where to go though!

So, does anyone have any suggestions?
Some place with good food would be ideal. :)

That's scary weird

I was just checking my blog here really quick to see if there were any new comments, and I checked the counter and it was at 911.
Isn't it weird how as a result of "something", just seeing those numbers sends shivers up your spine?