This is just a summary of my notes, please read them! I don't know how much sense these notes will make, but I hope they make some sense! It was an absolutely wonderful talk and I would highly reccommend trying to get a copy of the tape if you are interested
"Eden Zion, and the World" – “Real Estate and Redemption” or “The Geography of Missions in the Bible”
Blessing, Seed, Land were the 3 main themes of covenants God gave.
In the creation account, Genesis 1:26-28; 2:5-15, God reveals himself to us
Things that God reveals to us:
His Creativity
His Productivity
His Orderly
His Goodness
Genesis 2:5-15 - Man’s purpose in Relation to THE GARDEN.
A need – verse 5a
Agriculture is not as yet ongoing. Needs ongoing management
A Reason – Verse 5b
1 No Rain, (God’s ongoing involvement)
2 No Man Verse 5b
A provision – Verse 6
“A mist”, Rain/mist the evaporation cycle
Man – life
A place – Verse 8-9
God himself planted an example – the garden of Eden.
Place of Garden - It’s arrangement
The garden is in Eden, but is not the whole of Eden.
Genesis 2:9 – In the East (eastern part of the OT World, OR Eastward is better translation – Garden planted in the East part of Eden)
The water flows into the garden and then out into the rest of the world. The very arrangement of the land pictures and facilitates man’s ability to go out into the world.
Biblically, Eden seems to be equated to Canaan, Garden of Eden is equated with the Jordan River Valley.
THIS place as the divinely appointed platform for man to “Go in” and to “Go out”
The whole world is supposed to be an ongoing reflection of God
The purpose of Adam continues
The appointed place continues
Eden = Zion
The Evidence of the Psalms
Psalm 36, Psalm 65,Psalm 133
The Evidence of the Prophets
Ezekiel 47, Isaiah 51:3, Lamentations 2:6, Ezekiel 36:35, Joel 2:3, 3:18, Micah 4:18, ETC...
The Evidence of Genesis
Gen 3:24 – Adam was sent out of Eden on its EAST side
Gen 4:16 – Cain was sent further East away from Eden
Gen 11:2 – Tower of Babel built in Shinar (Babylon)
Genesis has a general movement of people falling away from God, and a physical movement east, east, east….
Gen 11:31 – Abram’s family moves WEST, into Canaan. This is the first indication of moving west.
Eastern movement away from God, and then Westward movement back to God.
Zion = the place appointed for confirming man’s standing with God.
Continuity of God’s plan
Purpose in Eden ----> Temple of Zion ----> Cross in Zion
The nature of Missions
A need, even before sin God had given a need (Eph 2:10) “…we are his workmanship…prepared beforehand…” Keeping things in order; Calvin’s Institutes 3.10.6
Using Land – Texts in scripture
How to handle “land texts” – there is a drive all through the Bible, that there is a purpose of the land. Scripture is focused on this land and is a prototype for the rest of the world. Psalm 48 – Zion the greatest of all mountains Do we handle this text honestly and right? Specific location has importance
Eden = Zion = The Church
What we have looked at is a Theology of LAND in the Scriptures.
As we go out, we continue in that same heritage as Adam, Abraham – to glorify God in every detail. Week by week, reflect God’s glory in an ongoing way, standing in a right relationship with God forever.