Monday, November 15, 2004

One full day!

Today, I got up at 9:30 a.m. and got ready to go to Dr. Hughes (my Orthodontist) to get an X-Ray taken to take with me to my appointment with Dr. Bussard (oral surgeon). I came home after getting the X-Ray and ate breakfast, then I went to Dr. Bussard’s office up in Fishers. I waited there for about 45 minutes, thinking they would call me up. I guess I was supposed to sign in and then they would know I was there. I finally got to see him at about noon, even though the appointment was scheduled at 11! He looked at my mouth and the X-Ray and told me that there’s plenty of space to do implants (on my front two teeth that are missing) and gave an initial estimate of about $5,000 - kind of expensive! Now I know that I can get my braces off in December! Now, all I have to do is decide how to pay for it and when to have the surgery, which doesn’t really sound like too much fun. After the appointment, I stopped by the Gander Mountain store to buy one of the new Nalgene bottles which are very cool. I then stopped by home to eat lunch really quickly and then I went to work at 1 p.m. I worked as a cashier for most of the day but I had to go into the office a couple times to turn around some tills. The 2 office people who were working didn’t know how to do the tills, so I got to! I got off work at 6 and then raced home, gulped down some dinner and ran out the door for BSF. Tonight we discussed Hebrews 1 and 2 about encouragement, facts about Jesus, culture, and angels. After BSF, my discussion group had a time of fellowship and we each told about how we have seen God work in our lives. It was a really neat time. Now that my wonderfully full day is done, I think I’ll go to bed.


P.S. If ya want to pray for something for me, pray that I would be wise with my use of time - less time surfing blogs, IMing etc. I have lots of stuff to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. It's sooooo easy for large chunks of time to slip by without you meaning them too. It's great how all the technology lets us keep up with friends, but can also be a tremendous waste of time.
