Saturday, November 13, 2004

If yesterday was wierd, today was even worse! wacky day folows after another.....
So today I went into work at 8 this morning and was a cashier supposedly until 1p.m. They decided however, that they would rather me get off at 11 and come back in again and work 6-10 as a bagger (the late bagger called in for some reason and there would have been no one after 8:30). The result was that I worked 3 hours this morning, and another 4 hours tonight - a total of 7 hours and I was only scheduled for 5! Two extra hours, horay!
When I got home (the first time) I ate lunch and then went outside (it was such a beautiful day, even if it was a little bit cold). I started by cleaning up some stuff in the barn, and then cleaned all the dead stuff out of the garden. I then tilled most of the garden and re-planted a whole bunch of Iris plants that I have growing (if you want some I'll give them to you for FREE). By that time, it was time to get ready for work again! It's really weird going in to work 2 times in the same day!
So when I got to work, I started by cleaning the restrooms [Fun!], and then collected the trash from a whole bunch of trash cans throughout the store. I then took a break and when I got back, I was the only one for the rest of the night.
Probably the most fun I have ever had at work in my whole time there, is something that Mr. Kiser had me do. He had me take down the sales advertisments in the front windows, and then put new ones up! What made it so fun was that the top of the windows is about 8-9 feet high, and to get to it, you have to climb over the lines of carts and balance on a 4" ledge! It was a blast! Once I had finished, it was already 10 and I got to go home, for the second time in a day!
Before I left Jaci, who was also working tonight, called Marsh to have them ask me to drop her coat by her house on my way home. I was more than willing to do that. :) I won't say anything about her being good at forgetting things.... This is only the second time (and counting) that I've brought something to her that she left behind at work! It's cool living so close to work, and so close to someone who also works there. :-)
That's about the extent of my wacky day!!

Now I'm off to bed.

P.S. Did anyone notice that I spelled my name wrong on the last post? (yes I did it on purpose, just to see if anyone would notice it) :-)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good and productive day, even if it was weird! I think God likes to remind us that He's in control by changing our plans and surpising us!


Brian said...

Yes, I agree