Tuesday, November 09, 2004

For the fun of it....

1) Single or Taken: Single, and I will be untill / if God changes that.
2) Sex: Male
3) Birthday: November 5th 1984
4) Sign: I don't care.

5) Siblings: 2 older brothers, 2 younger sisters, 3 younger brothers. (total = 2 sis, 5 bro)
6) Hair colour: Blonde
7) Eye color: Blue
8) Shoe size : 14 B (narrow = very hard to find, but thanks to New Balance, I can get shoes in my size!)

9) Height: ~6'

1) Where is your favorite place to shop: Like I really shop anywhere?

2) Favorite outfit: Anything that fits and looks good. (definitely not my work uniform) :-)

1) Do you do drugs: NO way!

2) What are you most scared of: I try not to be scared of anything, but that's only because I know God is in charge.
3) What car do you wish to have: Well, I'm happy with any car that runs without having to be in the shop all the time, but a Honda Accord would be really cool.

4) Where do you want to get married: Probably a church...
5) How many messenger buddies do you have on right now: ~80
6) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: Actually I'm pretty thankful for the way God made me!

1) Subject in school?: I'm supposed to have a favorite? Science, Piano and PT are good :-)

2) Animals?: Dogs I guess.
3) Color? Blue and yellow

1) Given anyone a bath? Yup, my sibs a bunch of times.

2) Smoked? Never!
3) Bungee jumped? I wish.
4) Fought the law? Nope
5) Made yourself throw-up? Yuck!

6) Gone skinny-dipping? Again... no.

1) Red: The blood that Jesus paid for my sins with.

2) Cow: Lunch?
3) Socks: Shoes?
4) Greenland: Cold

1) Been so drunk you blacked out: Never drank, and don't plan to anytime soon, reguardless of when I turn 21!
2) Put a body part on fire for amusement? That would be stupid.

3) Been in a car accident? Yes, once. Make that twice. I was driving only in one of those, and it was not my fault.
4) Been hurt emotionally? Who hasn't?
5) Kept a secret from everyone: Of course!
6) Had an imaginary friend: Not that I remember
7) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Actually....Yes
8) Cried during a movie? Yes

9) Had a crush on a teacher? No, that would be gross! (my teacher has always been my mom - homeschool)
10) Ever thought an animae character was hot? No.

1) Shampoo: Head and Shoulders

2) Hair Colour: Blonde / Brown
3) Day/Night: Night, but it depends.

4) Summer/Winter: Summer!! Bring on the sun!
5) Fave Films: Lord of the Rings!

6) Fave Ice Cream: Chocolate chip cookie dough.

1) Wearing: Do, I have to say?....my work uniform - tan pants and a white MARSH polo with a blue MARSH sweatshirt on top.

2) Thinking about: Just that I should be going to bed soon, I have a short night before I have to be at work.
3) Listening to: Lord of the Rings soundtrack, but iTunes is on random...

1) cried: No
2) ate: Absolutely!
3) slept: Yes, thankfully!
3) Cleaned your room: No, but as a whole, my room doesn't need cleaning up.

4) Done laundry: Nope.
5) Driven a car: Yes.

1) Yourself: Uh, I guess so.

2) Friends: Sure.
3) Santa Claus: No, never did either.

4) Destiny/Fate: No, I believe on the providence of God.
5) Angels: Yes!
6) Ghosts: No!

Ok, so that was a little longer than I thought it would be, and no, you don't have to do this on your site too. :-)
Off to bed...


Josh said...

I believe in ghosts.

erudil said...

Where is your favorite place to shop: Like I really shop anywhere?

You are a MOST disloyal worker! Should not your place of employment be your favorite place to shop??!!!

Anonymous said...

umm I dont think he would want to wear food or much less always wearing a Marsh uniform or weatshirt. lol


Heather said...

fun survey! and boy, don't you just love that question about crushes on teachers? homeschoolers should NEVER...

Anonymous said...

Theoretically even homeschoolers have the opportunity to have crushes on teachers when they take classes outside their homes. I've had lots of those classes, although no crushes on any of the teachers. And then you have the always dangerous prediciment of hot college guys teaching jr. high Sunday school and youth group classes. Again, not my problem, although Jim is kind of hot...

Brian said...

Josh: Why?

Nathaniel: I buy "more than my share" of stuff from MARSH, believe me. But that's not "shopping"! And it's definitely not my "favorite place to shop."

Jaci: Yes, exactly! (though it took me a while to figure out what you meant) :-)

Heather: Yeah, they're on nearly all surveys, and they really don't apply to homeschoolers!

Kara: Yes that is true, but for me, it never happened. :-) Like you, I did take a fair amount of my classes outside the home too, though I didn't get any of the "cute" teachers. LOL :-) But all those times are past, and who really cares anyway. lol


Anonymous said...

You could come take Latin with my TA. She's really cute and it'd be a new experience for you. Give you something to relate to on these survey things.

Joel and Stacey said...

Hey Brian, don't forget about the Holy Ghost. I think you really DO believe in ghosts, spirits, etc. Not the "Ghost Buster" variety but something a little more spiritual. We cannot see the spirit world but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. (I think that is what Josh was getting at too.)
Eph 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Brian said...

Stacey: you are absolutely right, how could I forget about the Holy Ghost?
So, Yes I do believe in Ghosts. :-)
