Saturday, November 06, 2004

Leaves, class and cake!

This morning I got up at about 10. Johanna, Sterling and I went over to the Chabs (elderly neighbor) for 2 hours raking up leaves and bagging them up. We raked almost the whole back yard and part of the front, ending up with about 22 garbage bags full of leaves! When I got home, I took a quick shower then Kevin and I were off to History class. At class, Dr. Blackwood gave a lecture about the 7 cities in Revelation and then gave an overview of the Gospel(s). While we were there, a really nice lady who is also taking the class, gave us some of the best chili or soup (it was even better because I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast or lunch)!
When we got home, I cut Sterling and Adriel’s hair (only the 2nd time in my life to cut someone’s hair!) and then Mom cut mine. I'm sooo glad my hair is finally short again - the way i like it. It's so much easier! :-)
After a quick shower (to get the hair off - no I don't make a habit of taking 2 showers in a day), we finally got to eat dinner at 8 pm! We were doing my birthday for dinner (yay! that means I get to pick what we have!). We had "pounded chicken", brussel sprouts, and spinach salad, oh, can’t forget the cake and Ice cream! I got a couple books and some money from my Grandparents (thank you so much!), and Michael gave me a pitch key!
Afterwards, I was finally was able to check my email - it's been 2 days since the Internet stopped working - and read blogs and update mine!
So I'm off to bed now!


P.S. I really don’t feel any older, but I guess I am!


Anonymous said...

Totally unrelated question, but do you know Cody Carnett?

Anonymous said...

Was it Mrs. Shulties? She's so sweet, and such a character :-)
Happy Birthday! Yeah, no sleep is no fun. (From your earlier post) I had a night almost like that this weekend.


Joel and Stacey said...

That does sound like Mrs. Schultheis. I have benefited from her cooking on more than one occasion! ;) She's wonderful!!

Brian said...

Yes I do know a Cody Carnett...(already answered that one) :-)

It very easily could be Mrs. Schultheis, but I really don't know her name.If you told me her first name I might recognize it. But nonetheless, she's really wonderful!