Saturday, October 09, 2004

10-9-04 Saturday

Even though I have a lot of homework to do, I decided it was worth my time to go to workday at the church. Michael (my older brother) and I arrived about 1 p.m. Michael went right to work trying to repair and adjust several problems on the sanctuary sound system. I decided to go outside and help Carrie, the main person who has taken over caring for the church property. I helped with several odd jobs that included pruning several trees, bushes and flowers. After about 3 hours, Michael and I left to go to Josh Bright’s house for a time of fellowship, dinner and to watch a few movies. Initially we had planned on going to his house in Lafayette, but earlier this week he broke his ankle in an accident. He was riding his bicycle and ran into a car. God protected him and all that was injured was his ankle. After surgery, his parents decided he should come home for the rest of the week. Josh was very glad to have some of his friends over to visit. Dinner was great and then we watched two wonderful movies – Behind Enemy Lines and The Italian Job. Josh appreciated us taking our time to visit with him, especially because of his injured ankle, which is rapidly getting better.

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