Thursday, October 07, 2004

The most life changing experience over the summer

Sorry this is so long... but its an assignment I decided to post. Not that I'm any good at writing or anything. :)

To pick one single event that occurred over the course of the summer that was the most life changing is a difficult task. I could start with my time in Basic Training at ALERT (Air Land Emergency Resource Team) from February to April, my first car accident on June 24th or the many hours I have worked over the summer. Or I could begin with the bike trip from Indianapolis to Calvin, the Reformed Presbyterian International conference and Ted Donnelly’s wonderful sermons or Matthew Toppers challenge to young men. I have grown so much during this year. God has certainly used this year to help to mature me into the man he desires me to be.

Making it a little simpler, I will keep it to the RP International Conference in July. It began for me with a 300 mile bicycle ride over the course of four days. God graciously allowed all 35 riders to make it to the end, but not without plenty of sore muscles. The conference began on Saturday night, July 24th, and continued until the morning of Friday the 30th. This week long conference was packed full of wonderful things to learn and do. The most influential activities were the daily sermons on the Callings of Christ given by Ted Donnelly of Ireland.

The topics ranged from Called by Grace to Living out our Calling and Called to Glory. Each of these great sermons went directly to the heart and demanded application into my life. Many of the applications include self examination and require continual recollection to entirely sink in. I need to understand that no matter what I do; God is always working to make me holy. How often do I look for chips in the armor of my brothers in Christ? The weaker I become, the more clearly I will see Christ holding my hand; leading me to the end and closer to Heaven. When I get to Heaven will I be able to honestly say that I fulfilled my calling?

Now as I go on in life since that wonderful conference, I realize that it is hard to apply these great principles to daily life. I must rely on Christ to do it in me. 1 Peter 5:10 says “after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” I am thankful that God does not expect me to do it on my own, but I must constantly remember these truths that I have learned. As a result, my life will be more full and better pleasing to God.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean by growing alot this summer. I feel like my whole perspective's different than it was last spring. I agree, Ted Donnelly's talks were very challenging. And his writings are amazing as well. I'm currently reading his book Heaven and Hell. More about it on my blog.


Josh said...

My computer is wierd. It hasn't shown any of your updates since heart of gold until today. Very strange.

Brian said...

Nirmala: I bought the Heaven and Hell book at the RP conference and I can't wait to read it, but I have other books I have to read right now. :(

Josh: Part of the reason may be that I posted a whole bunch of posts the same day, they are just titled for the date. I did the heart of gold one on Monday, the daily journals I posted on Tuesday.